Tuesday, December 28, 2010


i feel his pain
but what can i do?
i want to help
but how?

am i suppose to do something?
am i suppose to sacrifice something?
is this a test for me?
how do i get through it?

should i stop worrying?

my road
my road
my road

i choose this way
stay on this road
i choose this way
don't you dare give yourself an option

Ya Allah
i'm too clueless right now
show me the right way
please protect me and the people i love
keep us safe

Monday, December 27, 2010


Kadangkala aku tertanya
Mengapa aku masih bersabar?
Adakah suci niat itu?
Atau mungkin syaitan yang banyak menggodaku
Menggoda untuk meneruskan?
Menggoda untuk meninggalkan?
Barangkali syaitan juga keliru…
Apa yang sebenarnya tersirat dihatiku?
Adakah aku bakal tertipu?
Atau mungkin mereka yang akhirnya terkedu?

Tinggalkan lamunan!
Keluar dari selimut dosamu!
Jangan terus dilayan maksiat
Kerna hati yang hitam mudah hilang arah tuju

Kemana aku ingin pergi
Itu bukan lagi soal hati yang lemah dan pilu
Tapi hati pejuang yang tak bisa kalah
Dengan kata-kata menikam sang musuh
Biarlah aku jadi begitu!
Kerna ini pilihanku
Jika kesabaran ini hukumanku
Walau dengan hati yang luka berdarah
Mana mungkin aku berbalah!
Dengan tuhanKu Yang Maha Tahu
Jika kesabaran ini tarbiyah bagiku
Maka panjangkanlah dan tambahkanlah
Agar teguh aku berdiri
Mengharap kasih dari Ilahi
Terus dan terus aku berlari
Mencari cinta yang benar-benar hakiki

Ini bukan lagi mimpi
Kerna ini sudah menjadi realiti
Sepahit kesabaran menjadi yang menanti
Pahit lagi hidup yang tak bererti
Namun ingatlah wahai pejuang
Sesuci mana niatmu
Janganlah kamu mudah tertipu
Kerna syaitan kan terus berbisik padamu
Dan nafsu kan terus mengesakkan nafasmu
Carilah ketenangan dari Kitab suci Tuhanmu
Dan jadikan ilmu pendamping seumur hayatmu
Teruslah mengharap cinta Allah
Dan teruslah dalam munajatmu

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A friend in Art

Picture by MalvaAlcea of DeviantART

A friend in Art...
The time you left your room
I stare at the empty bed
As I lay down in the emptiness
My feelings echoes cross the empty room
Tears run down unexpectedly
Will I be lonely?
Can you still be there for me?
Can I still lend my shoulder for you?
Will you still share to me your funny stories?

How can I blame you my friend?
When my heart is just as fragile
To say I know what you have felt
Or to say I saw it like what you saw through your eyes
But tell me how to stop me from blaming myself?
For not being a reason for you to stay
But then when fate has set its foot on earth
I don’t want to be the person to defy His Knowledge

I remember the time we say to each other
“Will you be my friend, my very best friend?”
I couldn’t remember who says it first
But it comes from our heart, both of our hearts
As we put our arms around each other
Our tears become the only witness

Where in this court of law
That friendship can be ruin because of distance?
As words of art become the string that bonds us
And Allah becomes the Watchful Observer
How can I astray from this beautiful friendship?
The most unique one I ever had
To be able to express myself in such a way
Not many would and want to understand

This desire to create beauty
Using emotions and using vocabularies
A desire rooted from the passion to love
And the ability to let emotions takes form
To exaggerate feelings in an artistic way
And to nourished this gift from Allah
In the safety of my own action

My friend in Art
We are never far away in form
We are never far away by heart
But we rarely see to greet each other like we use to
Because of time, because of work...
But this moment of art
Is the moment that lasted long enough
For you to know that I care
For me to know that you care
For us to know that we care and understand each other
Maybe not as close as they think
Maybe not as far away as they think too
I’m glad that I have...
A friend in Art

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Kali pertama Bersugi~heee....

Hari ni saya beli kayu sugi...saje nak try rasanya bersugi...tapi sebab tak biasa kan...rasa janggal sket...tapi takpe,nak gak try...hohoh...

sambil menulis blog ni sy sedang menyental...dan mnyental...lalala...

saya try cari cara-cara bersugi kat dalam internet,tapi takde pulak yang tunjuk cara-cara yang detail.so men boh je la...sental2,gosok2,lama-lama mcm besh lak...tapi still belum get used to the taste huhu...

ne baru 1st time bersugi,taktau la rajin tak sy terus bersugi...harapnya lekat la amalan ne sebab bersugi ne sunnah...and i love my teeth very much, since Rasul Allah have shown us the best way to take care of it, lets do it then!!yuk!

apa bezanya bersiwak (bersugi dgn kayu sugi) compare dgn toothbrush biasa? Saya bukak buku kegemaran sy (yg sy pinjam dari Surau Ar-Razi), SUPER HEALTH, Gaya Hidup Sehat Rasulullah...ini perkongsiannya sih....(buku tu bahasa indon la plak)
  • Antibacterial acids:kali pertama bersiwak akan rasa pedas sikit (oooo patutla....) kerana ada kandungan yg berupa mustard dalamnya yg merupakan antibacterial acids substance...the effect is actually better than normal toothborush,...huhu...
  • chemical compunds: chloride, pottasium,sodium bicarb, silica, sulphur, vit C, trimethyl amine, salvadorine, tannins dan beberapa yg lain yg  berfungsi utk memutih dan menyehatkan gigi dan gusi....(n dorang buat toothpaste using all these stuff)
  • Aromatic oil:mempunyai bau dan rasa yg segar (well,mungkin sy silap beli kot,rasanya tak la segar sgt) menjdikan mulut berbau harum dan menghilangkan rasa tak sedap.
  • Enzyme: yg mencegah pembentukan plaque
  • Antidecay agent: by reducing the amount of bacteria and also promote salivation to clean and protect the mouth
Bagi kawan2 yg beli kayu siwak sama2 tadi,ne tips utk mendapat manfaat maksimal dari siwak:
  1. nex time beli, pilih kayu yg segar bukan yg warna coklat kering. 
  2. tumbuk hujung siwak sampai serat kau menyerupai sikat gigi. jgn guna waktu kayu tu keras,nanti boleh luka (tapi tadi sy men boh je,hehe)
  3. simpan siwak dalam bekas yg tertutup tapi ada ventilation sbb taknak bacterial colonization kta situ kalau lembap semacam
  4. cuci siwak sebelum guna, n cuci serta keringkan after guna ye
  5. lepas 5 hari (depends la,kalo guna sekali da teruk da...takyah citer la) potong serabut n tumbuk yg baru...
Selamat beramal~~~:D
selain tu boleh baca info dari:

click image for larger view

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mari Berhijrah

in remembrance of Forum Diskusi Hijrah di surau Ar-Razi

Bila tiba masanya utk aku menangis
maka aku tangisi
masa silamku
apakan daya

Semua yg pernah aku lakukan dulu
Semua yg pernah aku rasakan dahulu...
Nyah!tiada lagi datang menghantui!
aku insan baru hari ini
masa silamku utk Mu
masa sekarang ini utk Mu
masa depanku utk Mu


maka kalahlah aku
jatuh menyembah bumi
segala rasa angkuh,riak,ujub 
hinanya aku wahai Tuhanku,,,
Ampunilah segala dosa-dosa ku,,,
biar beribu kali aku mengulangi kesilapan yg sama
tatkala jari telunjuk mendongak dgn takutnya
dan lisan ini membisik kalimah
tiada Tuhan melainkanMu
maka tiada siapa lagi yg layak aku Agungkan melainkanMu Ya Allah...

Maha Pengasih
Maha Penyayang
Maha Mengetahui
Maha Bijaksana
Maha Melindungi

aku ingin melihat wajahMu Ya Allah
Engkau yg tak pernah bosan melayan kerenahku
sedangkan aku selalu ingkar padaMu
sedangkan aku sering melakukan maksiat padaMu
sedangkan aku terkadang lalai mengingatiMu
sedangkan aku jarang mengikut perintahMu

masih sudi Kau mengampuni diri ini?
aku masih lemah
aku sentiasa lemah
tanpa rahmatMu Ya Allah
masakan aku bisa berada di sini
bersama hamba-hambaMu yg soleh dan solehah
masakan aku temui jalan ini
yang penuh duri namun ganjarannya terlalu indah
masakan aku bisa menangis
sedang hati ini terasa manisnya iman merasa kedekatan denganMu
masakan aku mampu bangun menyebut ALLAHUAKBAR
setelah syaitan bersorak riang kemenangan?!!


Layakkah aku Ya Allah
menerima semua pemberian ini dari Mu
apa yg telah aku lakukan sebelum ini Ya Allah
hingga ingin Kau memilih diri ku ini
menjadi hambaMu yg kau sebut-sebut di dlm Quranul Kareem
yang kau sebut-sebut dikalangan ahli-ahli syurga
apa yang ada pada diri yang hina ini Ya Allah
sedang semua nikmat itu jua dtg dariMu Ya Allah

semakin jauh kaki ini melangkah
semakin berat beban yang digalas
semakin banyak kekosongan dlm diri yg perlu aku isi

seberat yg disangkakan
sepedih yg dibayangkan
sepahit yg dianggarkan
namun dapatkah dibanding dgn nikmat yang Engkau janjikan?
atau adakah aku antara hambaMu yg tidak mempercayai janjiMu?
Mustahil!bukankah alam ini dan seluruh penciptaannya menjadi bukti yg kokoh
dan Rasul itu benar-benar manusia yg terpilih
utk menyampaikan apa yg tidak dapat dijangkau oleh akal manusia
maka adakah janjiMu itu tidak aku percayai??

mengapa aku masih soalkan?
mengapa masih perlu rasa berat utk memilih?
samaada utk berada pada jalanNya yg lurus
atau diselimuti kegelapan jahiliyah
tinggalkanlah segala kekusutan dunia
tinggalkanlah segala perhiasannya
kau kan dapati dunia ini benar-benar tempat yg sementara
sedangkan alam akhirat itu kekal selama-lamanya

maka mengapa masih aku keliru dalam memilih
samaada perlukah diri ini utk berhijrah
niatku untukMu
maka bawalah aku ke jalan yg lurus itu Ya Allah
dan jadikanlah aku hambaMu yg senantiasa bermujahadah
mencapai kemenangan tika dudunia
dan trus di akhirat kelak

Indahnya nikmat islam ini
janganlah walau sesaat Kau buat ku buta akannya...

amin Ya Rabb..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Elder Sister

go on
just try to hurt me
with words as sharp as the point of your black pen
or with ignorance...and arrogance

"little ones...how could you...?!"
oh elder sister,but they are your siblings...

so don't cry...
don't cry i say!
don't even carve a name on a stone
not even an alphabet on the white pearly sands

you are!yes you are!
you are the elder sister
strong and wise
protective and responsible

you are!you are the elder sister!
yes you make mistake
but recover dear sister!
recover fast!
your siblings needs you!
to be strong and wise

yes you can get weak sometimes...
but stand up!
stand up fast oh elder sister!
your siblings needs you!
be bold!be brave!
your siblings needs you!
to protect them 
and to take the role of a leader

patience oh elder sister...
don't use harsh words on the little ones
patience, oh patience dear sister
don't even let them know how much they hurt you
patience oh patience dear sister
you know better than to lose you temper
patience, oh patience dear sister
your words should contain advices rather than criticism

yes you are human
yes you can be hurt too
but grow up, grow up oh elder sister
don't act foolish and childish
your siblings are watching
they are always observing
your siblings are learning
aren't you their role model?

you are, you are the elder sister
kind and considerate
willing to make sacrifices...
you are, you are the elder sister
keep smiling and keep supporting the little ones
they need you to be happy
they need you to be supportive

you are the elder sister
be loving and caring to your siblings
spread love dear elder sister
with truth and sincerity
with no reason nor circumstances
spread love dear elder sister
like a garden of roses in the early spring

aren't you glad you're the elder sister?
so what if your siblings won't respect you
being the elder sister...
its not about winning
its not about having a fair life
its not about getting what we deserve

but its about making the right choices

the right choice might be painful sometimes
but life on earth is no place for you to rest
the pain and sufferings is your richness in the afterlife
the life you can never compare to this short time we have on earth

make the right choice oh elder sister

you are, you are the elder sister
wish for your death everyday as the elder sister
no matter who may your siblings be
be the elder sister

you are the elder sister

Zatel Iman Rozali

Friday, November 26, 2010

Butterfly Fly Away

I dare to say it
I had evolve
To become the beautiful butterfly I always wanted to be
I know I must keep on evolving
Finding more and more knowledge and skills
Trying to become the best at everything

Butterfly fly away...

But today
I dare to say
This is the person I wanted to be

Strong and still strong no matter what happen
To be able to stand up after a fall
To be able to still cry even when others laugh happily
And able to smile when others cry miserably
To think good of others no matter how painful it could be
To keep believing in God and keep searching for His light

I have someone to thank for it
Whether you know or not
Whether you will or not
I am still thankful
You make me strong enough
To take my first step
And weak enough
To seek for Allah’s protection
My prayers be with you
And to all my friends
Thank you
Thank you all for always supporting me

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Always Be There

Ya Allah, pemilik hati yg sedang gundah ini, tenangkanlah diriku Ya Allah... Yakinkanlah aku bahwa Kau sentiasa kan menjagaku, dan Kau sentiasa mmberi yg terbaik utukku... Permudahkanlah petunjuk Mu,dan ubatlah segala ketakutan dan hapuskanlah bisikan syaitan... Sesungguhnya cintaMu itu jua lah cinta yg perlu diri yg hina ini raihkan bagi mencapai kebahagiaan hidup didunia dan di akhirat...Tuhan yg tahu segala isi hatiku,Kau juga tahu bagaimana harus hati ini diiubati,maka hadirkanlah penawar duka Mu Ya Allah

Always Be There Lyrics
By: Maher Zain

Alllahu Akbar…
If you ask me about love
And what i know about it
My answer would be
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love, to our souls
The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe
The one that made us whole and free
The guardian of HIS true believers

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all’ll be over
And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…
Allahu Akbar…

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Muslimat Biasa

Wanita yang menutup aurat, pergi majlis ilmu, menyertai usrah, dan melakukan seperti yg disyariatkan oleh islam sering kali dilihat sebagai golongan yang "baik-baik" atau digelar "tudung labuh club" atau juga dianggap "ekstrim". Mengapa ini terjadi? Sedangkan bukankah semua itu apa yang ditetapkan oleh islam? Kini mereka yg tak tutup aurat, tudung pun borderline, takde la nak join2 usrah ne, couple2 sikit, dianggap golongan biasa2 je...Apa yg biasa tentang itu?? Tanggapan terhadap term "biasa" akan sentiasa berubah jika kita terus mengikuti trend dunia manusia, tapi jika kita kembali pada undang2 dunia islam, semua itu boleh jadi telah terpesong jauh sekali! Lupakah kita pada cara hidup kita yang sebenar? Ya kita bukanlah makhluk luar biasa, tapi kita bukanlah manusia biasa,yang definisinya menurut tanggapan manusia, tapi kita muslim muslimat biasa,menggunakan definisi Islam, Al-Quran dan Sunnah...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang cintanya pada Allah melebihi cintanya pada manusia
Mengambil Allah sebagai pelindung setia
Dan akhirnya syahid sebagai seorang syuhada...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang menjalani hidup ini kerana mencari redhaNya
Melakukan terbaik dimana saja
Kerana yakin Allah sentiasa menjaga...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang memilih Islam sebagai cara hidupnya
Menutup aurat dan menjaga tingkah lakunya
Menjadi secantik-cantik hiasan dunia...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang sentiasa patuh pada zaujnya
Menjadi teman dan penasihat pertama
Mendidik zuriatnya utk terus bertaqwa...

Bukanlah menjadi yang luar biasa
Kerna Allah jua lah yang memberi kesemua nikmat yang ada
Namun bukan juga sekadar manusia biasa
Tetapi menjadi muslimat,muslimat yang biasa...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Love My Dad

To my Dad:
Rozali Bin Adam

Abah,I'm sorry for everything.... 
I'm thankful for everything....
No matter what happen I know I can turn to you
You are always an inspiration to me :)


Your Daughter

Friday, November 5, 2010

Break Away from the Prison of Sins

Ask ourselves
How many times had we made the same mistakes?
Failing to make the right choice, even when we know the choices are there?
How many times have we imprisoned ourselves?
With lies, excuses and all those rubbish!!
Do we think that Allah will go easy on us?
Do we think that Allah will spare us when all we do is just becoming weaker and weaker...

Wake up!
We will not be saved because we are weak!
Do we think we can buy heaven with our “good deeds”?
How can we when our life is too short?
Have we gone stupid?
Or have the devil succeed in lying to us?

Wake up!
We can make a difference
We can change the world!
Or at least,
We can change ourselves
We can choose to right path
And we can choose not to astray

We are stronger than we thought
Stop thinking that we are weak
We can be strong if we want to
Its up to us!
To become smarter
To become better
How long do we expect to be improsined
How long do we want to live in this darkness?
Haunted by the sins we made and cause with our own hands

Be free
Strengthen ourselves
And strengthen others around us
We can do it
Because we will do it for Allah

“dan barangsiapa yang berserah diri keapda Allah, sedang dia orang yang berbuat kebaikan, maka sesungguhnya dai telah berpegang pada buhul tali yang kukuh. Hanya kepada Allah kesudahan segala urusan” (31:22)


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reach for the Stars

Some people thinks that its too difficult, its tiring, impossible! Well, they maybe right, especially if they believe it that way. It’s true though, it can be tiring… that’s why most people would rather spend their time just watching the stars. But when does tiredness stop those with passion, surely it doesn’t. 

some think that it can be painful, well yeah, if you want to reach the stars, you got to get rid of the acrophobia, risks yourself falling not just a few meters down, but a thousand miles, where the ground won’t be friendly to you. You’ll get injured along the way, naturally, self inflicted, or by other person. One way or another, you have to find a way to heal. You have to get better, because you don’t immobilized yourself if you want to reach the stars. The fracture from the fall may unite, but who can say that there will be no mal union, delayed union, hopefully not non-union… you may get fragile for a moment. But if you got the guts to make a step towards the stars, you’ll know you can never stop; overtime you will find the strength to do it. When you try to strike even though you’re injured, you may fall again. The people around may think that you have fail, but unless you give up, they can never really say it out loud without being sinful. Just keep on reaching for the stars, so what if you fall, the question is, will you give up? 

If you want to reach the stars get yourself ready to face all the asteroids along the way right? Not just to think of a way to reach for it. Your goal is just to get there, no time frame… if you die along the way, at least you’ll die as someone who is reaching for the stars, giving all out every time, and never giving up rather than dying as someone who just spend their time watching the stars. Do your best in everything you do for the sake of the One who created you, the universe, love and happiness on earth so that even if you don’t reach the stars you’ll see on earth, you’ll end up even higher up in heaven

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Datuk Sosilawati's death...Or not?

The murder case of the millionaire Sosilawati shocks the country, not excluding my family. The story became the main issue during this Raya season. Me, the one longing to become a pathologist is more than excited. I keep wondering wether the case was taken to HUKM or not. Even if it was, I didn’t have the chance to talk about the case with Dr. Swarhib or Prof Shahrom. Yep, they’re the best when it comes to the whole question and answer session.

Basically we know that they were murdered and then the body was burned and thrown into the river. The story is the same one every time in the newspaper, but still sells like hot goring pisang. What’s up with that? I can’t imagine what its like for the family; it must be really hard for them… anyway, all this commotion makes me think of something, DYING MESSAGE

If you watch a lot of detective conan you’ll know exactly what’s a dying message is, and its totally different from a suicide note. Of course a suicide note could also be a dying message too, I learn that from watching too many detective conan too. I’m not sure what’s the true meaning of dying message because I couldn’t find it (on the internet). But base on my personal opinion (correct me if I’m wrong) it’s the last message made in any form by the victim just before their death to tell something about their death, and usually the culprit. And if you watch detective conan you’ll know how twisted a dying message could be, its so twisted that you keep saying “are kidding me?” Maybe the reason I couldn’t find the definition of this dying message is because in real life, do people really make a dying message? Who in the right mind would be so clever think of a twisted way to tell others about the culprit when they know they have no chance to live in this world. I mean when you’re about to die, you couldn’t care less about whatever that will still go on in this world, or you may think of a way to escape or stay alive.

Anyway, I’m way off track… I was wondering you know, what if there is still a chance that some of the victim are still alive? I mean hey, in a murder case where the victims are burn to the ground, you can blind a lot of people, the police, the pathologist, even the detectives. Placing DNAs to a murder scene is not really that difficult… I learn that from watching too many CSI. Me? Honestly, I can think of a way to put the DNA to the murders scene (as if…). if only there was a dying message you know, or some kind of clue to point to whether she really was killed or is still alive. But when I think again, why would anyone want to fake her death in this case? Usually people would want to fake other people’s death (or maybe their own) if there are a lot of benefit. There may still be a possibility you know… so to say that I am 100% convinced that Sosilawati had died, I would say no. but then again, its not like this is my case or anything, hehe…

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Doa Rabitah

Engkau mengetahui hati-hati ini
telah berkumpul kerana mengasihiMU,
bertemu untuk mematuhi perintahMU,
bersatu memikul beban dakwahMU,
hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk
mendaulat & menyokong syariatMU,
maka eratkanlah YA ALLAH akan ikatanya…
Kekalkanlah kemesraan antara hati-hati ini
akan jalanNYA yang sebenar,
Penuhkanlah hati ini dengan cahaya RabbaniMu
yang tidak kunkung malap,
Lapangkanlah hati-hati ini dengan
limpahan iman dan keyakinan
dan keindahan tawakkal kepadaMU,
Hidup suburkanlah hati-hati ini dengan
ma’rifat (pengetahuan sebenar) tentangMU,
Jika Engkau mentakdirkan mati,
maka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini
sebagai para syuhada dalam perjuangan agamaMU,
Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran
dan sebaik-baik penolong,
Perkenankanlah permintaan ini…

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Resolving Conflicts

Nobody likes conflict. But most of the time, we fail to avoid ourselves from one. Why is this keep happening? The reason why conflicts arise is because humans have the one thing that keep defending ourselves in all the wrong way. This is what we called “ego”. Ego is defined as an inflated feeling of pride in superiority to others. People have different levels of ego and the higher it gets the more likely they are to be involved in a conflict.

When conflicts occur, the best thing to do is just to understand the situation get it over with or apologize and move on. But the presence of ego avoid self from being the person who is guilty because the feel of superiority towards the other person. The greater ego will of course belong to the person who is not guilty in the first place as they feel that they deserve justice and the other person deserve a punishment. But just because the other party is guilty, the chances that they let off their ego 100% are a bit subjective to assess but usually doesn’t reach to such level. This is the common situation. Most of the time, the one not guilty will do everything they can to prove of their innocence and to lay out the offences of the other party. On the other hand the other party will come up with all the excuses to defend themselves.

Accusing, lying, harsh words, bad perception, gossips, to some extent even physical fight, all of them usually happen in the process of resolving a conflict. Isn’t it painful? It’s painful to just think about it, let alone having to undergo the whole process. Have we ever thought for once, just let those ego slide off and resolve conflicts as simple as it gets. Understand the whole situation, put ourselves in the shoes of the other party even though if we are innocent and apologize where needed. There is no doubt that in a conflict, both party have some degree of offences, because if there is no offence from one party the conflict will not arise in the first place. Even so little, usually it exists. Therefore it’s a good practice to always apologize to each other in the end.

Another good practice is to blame ourselves first and see what come out of it. Actually to think more deeply, blaming ourselves is much easier than blaming others, especially if our aim is to avoid conflict rather than creating it. We cannot change other people but we can try to change ourselves. When we blame others, how frequent would they accept the blame and improve themselves? Usually what happen is they will blame us again, we blame them, they blame that and this and that....the lame "blame game" begins… when does it stop? Nobody knows…

But because we are blinded by ego, making ourselves guilty when we feel that we are not is not that easy. Honestly, there is always a way to blame ourselves in any situation. When something bad happen to us, we can just think that we are not careful or when other people betray us, we can think that we have not portrayed our good values enough to others. Find a way, be creative. Once we let off that ego by blaming ourselves first, our mind will be cleared off the clouds and rains that make us so angry in the first place. Surely its painful to blame ourselves and being the guilty one, so we need to be careful when we hurt ourselves. The one to ask for support is God, not to be in a state of depression. Therefore, it is actually more calming to blame ourselves rather than to keep the fire on, burn ourselves with the hatred. When we really think about it, even though its painful being sad when we are gulity, it’s not as bad as the pain from anger when we are innocent. Sadness may be tears of rains with repentance, but anger is just thunders and fires with hatred.  Which would you choose? But if we are the kind of person who got easily depress there is another good way to solve conflicts.

Sometimes some people would not let go the other person that easily for some understandable reasons. For example if the other person’s offences are too painful for them, the other person needs to learn an important lesson from the situation, or when it involves crimes that require justice. The definition of how serious an offence is differs from person to person. As humans we have to understand that people have different views and perception. We should never think the other person was overreacting without fully understanding their situation. It would be unfair to judge other people’s feeling base on our own.

In times when we feel like it’s too difficult to forgive and forget, the best thing to do is to make the other party truly understand our situation at the same time trying to understand theirs. This is the best thing to do. When we let them know everything, let them know how we feel and how much pain was involved, if the other party is a good person, they can understand how much forgiveness need to be sought. At the same time they (the victim) must also understand the situation from the guilty part to be able to fully forgive them. 

Even in the most crucial of conflicts, if there is a need to want to make peace, just try it this way. There is no need to undergo the whole process of a painful conflict when we can actually learn to understand each other better and celebrate our diversities. 
in the case of the Global conflict of the Palestine issue,I can however, see that there is only 1 party that is guilty, and that is the Israel...I guess this conflict occur because the other party is hardly human at all!they are worst than the devils!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

On My Birthday

On my birthday...
I receive 2 very sweet and wonderful gift
From my two very sweet and wonderful friends
Rahmah and Izzanis
Yep, dats my rumiee~
Every year they would wish me a happy birthday without fail
At the middle of the night
Haha… yea,I guess I was expecting it too…
Not because I want it
Just because I knew they would
(but yeah, who wouldn’t want that right?)
The gifts I receive this year
Is slightly different from the previous times
To think that both of them had the time

To “handmade” my present

this is how it looks like...kawaaiiii....

"guys if you're reading this, i just like to say how meaningful these gifts are.., I may not be so gooey and squisshy that night, but deep inside my heart i really appreciate these gifts. i hope we will be friends for ever, and i really mean it... since we live nearby lets promise that it will happen ya? lets juz grow up together n face life challenges together in this path of da'wah that we had sworn to follow for eternity...i wanna wish FRIENDS FOREVER.. and i actually really really mean it this time...:D"

Another great thing about this birthday, is the facebook celebration. I guess this is the first time I had my birthday wished through the facebook. Well, because I just had a facebook for this year. Yeah, I never thought it would be that lively there. Even though there was a lot of birthday wishes, I try to thank em all… there’s an important lesson here for me, on people’s birthday it’s a good thing to wish them a happy birthday through the facebook, because it will decorate their walls, and this makes them happy…:D

Last and definitely not least is the gift from Allah…

I receive motivation, happiness and just before the holy month of Ramadhan too… how lucky! I need those two to make it through this historic month of the year. This year is the best Ramadhan ever! With the study week and exam just around the corner, our force to ‘tawakkal’ will become so much stronger! insyaAllah…

Monday, August 2, 2010

Color your heart

When I was asked to 'color your heart'
I thought I always be able to color it differently
But from the state I had been
I can only stain it with the black coal

But it seems so hard (the coal did not give so much color)
I take my pen
and I scarred it some more
while in tears
I know I did this to it on purpose

I'm sorry heart
but I realize
I can have a clean and beautiful heart
I need to be confident in Allah
to always believe in Him

Allah takes care of everything....

In usrah today
a hadith touched my heart...

sesiapa yang memusuhi kekasih (waliKu), maka Allah mengisytiharkan perang terhadapnya. Tidak ada satu perbuatan diri (taqarrab) kepada Aku oleh hambaKu yang lebih Aku cintai selain daripada kewajiban-kewajiban yang aku fardhukan ke atasnya. HambaKu akan terus beramal menghampiri diri kepadaku dengan melakukan amalan-amalan sunat sehingga Aku mencintainya. Apabila Aku sudah mencintainya maka Aku (menjadikan) pendengarannya dengannya dia mendengar, penglihatannya yang dengannya dia melihat, tangannya yang dengannya dia memukul dan kakinya yang dengannya dia berjalan. Jika dia memohon sesuatu dari Aku nescaya Aku berikannya. Dan jika dia memohon perlindungan Aku (dari sesuatu) nescaya Aku akan melindunginya. Aku tidak pernah ragu dari sesuatu yang Aku lakukan seperti Aku ragu (hendak mengambil) nyawa hambaKu yang mu'min, di mana dia membenci maut sedang Aku tidak suka menyakitinya
