Aku perlu jadi lebih baik
Bukan kerna aku ingin kembali pada masa lampau
Menjadi insan yang terpilih olehNya
Tetapi kerna Allah telah menggantikan yang lebih baik untuk orang yang kusayangi
Maka perlulah aku terus bersangka baik
Terus pula dengan usaha yang baik
Allah jua kan menggantikan padaku yang lebih baik juga satu hari nanti
Wahai teman ku yang hatinya sesuci embun pagi
Aku mendoakan kebaikan bagimu
Moga cerita hidupmu lebih baik dari cerita diriku
Kerna tidaklah seorang muslim menginginkan keburukan buat hamba2nya yang soleh
Hanya kepada tuhanKu aku memohon
Agar Allah berikan aku kesabaran
Sabar kepada apa yang belum hadir
Sabar kepada kelemahan diri
Sabar dengan kelemahan orang lain
Sabar dengan nafsu dan syahwat
Sabar dari keinginan terhadap dunia
Sabar dengan bisikan yang menggetarkan jiwa
Ya Allah
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Forgive Me
I think i've been trapped in one of those syaithan's masterpiece...
Recently i heard a surprising story from an akhawat about an akhawat from another akhawat
A story which sound like a torment to my own faith
A story that hurts my feelings deeply
A story of betrayal
And broken trust between two people
That story
Reminds me of the time i face a pitfall in my lifeHeck! Everybody face that once in a whileWhile i still feel that i shouldn't have to fallBut Allah had made it differentlyAnd Allah had made me see the reason behind itSo why couldn't the one i trusted see it that way?Why make false assumption of my own weakness?
Should one let their emotions reign supreme?In the sea of people making countless little mistakesShould forgiveness be sought?
Sacrificing once a pure and strong love?
But my heart ache the truth so much
Even when i try to forget about it every night
This is the day 'iman' is being challenged
Or whether the heart can be purified
But Allah said
Allah said
"...and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [24:22]
Ya Allah, please forgive me

Friday, December 16, 2011
Kolumnis BEST!
Assalamualaikum... Setelah sekian lama membisu, akhirnya saya kembali di blog Ghayyir nafsak... eeeehhh.... apa kehal ni?? tak payah,...tak payah... Anyway, beberapa bulan lepas saya telah ditawarkan untuk menjadi kolumnis majalah BEST!. Saya tanpa segan silu menerima tawaran tersebut. Kolum saya nama "Terkena Di Hati". Kenapa nama camtu, wallahualam, tu kena tanya editor... Anyway, kolum saya merupakan kolum untuk cartoon strip... Jadi memang nic saya la... da lama pulak tak melukis. So far majalah BEST! dah ada 3 siri, ini petanda baik bagi Surau Ar-Razi kerana waktu pemerintahan saya sebagai Publisit Multimedia dan Penerbitan, kami cuma berjaya keluarkan 1 majalah je.... Huu... Sedih... Tapi tahun ne Alhamdulillah sedara Fatih yang jadi ketua editor, since ayahnya juga editor yang berjaya, no wonder dia mampu melakukannya. All the best untuk majalah BEST! moga BEST selalu~!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Kitten from Heaven
picture by *hoschie of deviantart
The last time I go shopping at masjid jamek’s Mydin, I had a terrible experience with Malaysians. But I don’t want to talk about that today, here, because I talked about it the other day in another blog… hehehe… you can click here to read: http://keindahanbersamamu-ppukm.blogspot.com/2011/11/pengajaran-mk02-telah-bermulaayuh.html
So I like to tell a happy story this time. Oh yes, just in case you’re thinking bout going to Masjid Jamek, look for moral values from anything and everything, because for some reason I find a lot from there.
So anyway, I have a doctor’s appointment yesterday, and I was rushing since I had to be there by 3pm. It was around 2.35pm at that time. I had just bought 2 scarf, one for my mum, and one for me, and also a box of chocholate, even though in my wallet, I just have a few ringgits left. I thought to myself, “what the heck, JPA shall come tomorrow…muahahahaha…lets buy some thingssss”
On my way to the LRT station, I pass a middle age lady, she doesn’t look like she’s a Malaysian. But she’s a muslim, judging from the hijab she’s wearing. She was an OKU lady, sitting on a wheelchair, holding a piece of paper in her hand, and was looking around. It looks like she has some lower limb deformity. She wasn’t begging really, but it was obvious she’s there hoping that someone would be kind enough to give donations.
just because they are OKUs,doesnt mean the can't do anything
When I walked pass her, I saw that the piece of paper she was holding was a piece of newspaper cutting with the headline “Orang OKU membantu….” I couldn’t read the rest. But I know, she’s probably there saying that, she can do something, but somehow she needs some form of financial support. (I think?). The word OKU is such a familiar word to me, because my younger sister is also an OKU. But because I was rushing and I wasn’t holding any spare change, I just walk pass her. But I can’t help feeling guilty. Yela, you don’t mind spending money to buy scarfs and chocolates even though you don’t have much, but you can’t even put in a ringgit to help someone. I thought about one of the videos posted by Anwar Hadi if I’m not mistaken, about doing charity. I really felt like I was doing exactly like the guy in the video (which is also Anwar Hadi by the way), being ignorant. But since I was in a hurry, I told myself “I promise… next time… next time”.
So I continue walking, but the guilt did not stop, in fact it grew stronger as I walk nearer to the LRT station. But that one push for me to go back to her and put at least 1 ringgit was not there. But I pull out 3 ringgit and told myself, if I find another beggar I swear I will do some charity. But before I reach the LRT station where beggars wajib ada, I saw this small kitten.

not the real kitten
The kitten was very skinny, not that ugly, but dirty. It was sitting quite in a middle of the street exactly like how a beggar looks like. I thought “how weird? Cats don’t usually sit where they know people can trample them. Is this cat stupid? Weak? Or sick?”. So I walk slowly and my eyes were fixed to the kitten. It was looking up and left and right. It looks stupid really. I feel a bit worried, what if someone trample you. But I’m in a hurry remember? So I walk pass the cat.
Oh man, the guiltiness grew stronger. Shouldn’t I at least take the cat, put it somewhere safer where people wont trample it, and it looks so skinny, maybe buy some food stuff around masjid Jamek and just give something to fill the cat’s stomach. Who knows such a small deed could mean a lot?
Hey, who knows right?
I stop, and really thought hard. How many times in your life, that you were given a chance to do good for one after another. Its like Allah was telling me, you want to do good, here’s a chance… oh okay, so you miss the first one, here’s another one. Aik? Miss jugak….DUSH!
I felt really bad. BAD SYAITHAN! So I go back, and I was looking down, I really want to save the cat, and give it something to eat. But before I go back, I told myself, if the cat is not there, then I will go even further back and give this RM3.00 in my hand for the OKU lady.
So I went back, and guess what, the kitten is not there anymore. Well, duh, its an alive cat, of course it have the right to just go anywhere it wants anytime it want. But because of that one little kitten I have promised to go back to that OKU lady and gives her, well, only 3 ringgit… so I did, and it made me feel good. When I was rushing back to the LRT station, the cat was still nowhere to be seen.
I don’t know where the kitten may be, whether it was actually there in the first place (hehe…) or maybe I really did miss it. But the kitten was special. I know it.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Hikmah Creative
Pada setiap ujian itu pasti ada hikmahnya, itu apa yang nak ana percaya. Semasa ana cuti MC ni ana banyak diberi peluang untuk finally 'release my creative potential', yang Allah pinjamkan pada ana, insyaAllah untuk kerja dakwah. Amin...
Bagi mengingati 'event' ini dalam hidup ana, ana nak keluarkan branding. Bukan sebab nak popular, tapi bagi peringatan untuk diri sendiri. Semua yang ana dapat kongsikan ni semuanya dari Allah, hikmah dari Allah. Jadi, ne la logonya... Simple je la, malas nak fikir banyak.
Hikmah Creative
dari hikmah, kreativit dapat digunakan~
Wallahualam...moga Allah mengikhlaskan niat
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Presenting : Usrah Book
My Usrah Book
Buku Usrah
Sedikit perkongsian idea~
Dalam usaha memikat hati anak usrah, ana telah memberikan pada setiap anak usrah ana “my usrah book” atau buku usrah yg wajib mereka bawa ke setiap usrah. Selain memikat hati mereka, buku usrah ini juga digunakan utk mencatit nota semasa usrah, dan antara fungsi utamanya adalah bagi menge-cek mutabaah ibadah mereka.
Kandungan buku usrah
- Biodata : Nama, no telefon, tarikh join usrah dan harapan apabila join usrah
- Kedatangan : Beberapa helai kertas kedatangan akan dilampirkan bagi mereka mencatit tarikh, tajuk pengisian, tugasan dan juga muka surat mana (jika mereka rajin buat muka surat)
- Mutabaah Ibadah : Diadaptasi dari “Kit Murobbi 01” yg ana pernah dapat semasa menghadiri daurah penerangan modul 01. Disini ana menyuruh mereka meletakkan percentage kejayaan mencapai setiap mutabaah ibadah
- 10 muwosoffat tarbiyyah : Bagi peringatan dan panduan kepada anak usrah dan ana sendiri ttg apa yg patut dicapai dalam usrah modul 01
- Seterusnya adalah helaian2 kertas putih (tidak bergaris) bersaiz ½ A4
10 Muwosoffat tarbiyyah
Ana ada beberapa design yg pernah ana buat. Sebelum ini ana menggunakan design berlainan utk setiap anak usrah.
Tetapi bagi mengelakkan anak usrah rasa “design mereka kurang cantik”, lebih baik kita diselaraskan designnya
Template yg telah diprint akan dihantar ke kedai fotostat bagi proses ring-binding utk menjadikannya sebuah buku. Ana tak ingat berapa harga sebuah buku tapi tak silap ana termasuk print colour, plastic cover, back cover dan sebagainya, modal bagi 1 buku lebih kurang RM 8.00 (TT3TT)… Alhamdulillah, budak medic ada JPA, jadi selamatlah jugak… ana yakin, kalau keluar secara mass mungkin boleh dapat lebih murah
buku my usrah yg dah siap
Rata2, respon yg ana dapat semasa mereka menerima buku usrah mereka sangatlah positif. Ana tak pasti apa perasaanya sbb ana sndiri tak pernah dapat buku my usrah ni sendiri…heheh… tapi mungkin perasaannya sama macam semasa ana menerima hadiah hari jadi dari ukhti Izzanis pada besday ana. Beliau telah membuat sendiri ‘door sign’ utk bilik ana menggunkan kain felt, kertas keras dan kreativiti beliau... :D mungkin ukhti Izzanis juga boleh kongsi kebolehan arts n crafts beliau ;)
Jzkk ukhti Izzanis
Friday, September 23, 2011
Gadis Muslim:Kenali Dirimu
InsyaAllah, minggu depan akan diadakan program ceramah Jumaat di bawah anjuran PPK.Ini merupakan program pertama yg dihandle penuh oleh anak2ku yg tersayang~therefore, sangatlah bermakna program ini bagi diriku...Mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan usaha kita dalam mencari redhaNya,dan mudah-mudahan anak2ku suma jadi daie2 yg sukses!!ameeeen.....
InsyaAllah akan disampaikan oleh Dr.Ariza, "mak"ku~oh i just realised, its a family day program~~~horaaaah~~~~horaaah~~~makcik Nadiah Ahmad Sabri kena datang gak ni.:D
Friday, September 16, 2011
Fiqh Perubatan Siri 2: Kelahiran, Kehidupan & Kematian
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Illustration Manual Kesihatan Reproduktif Remaja Muslim
I was assigned to do the cover for "Manual Kesihatan Reproduktif Remaja Muslim" by my naqibah. I didn't get a lot of idea, so i came up with these. Is it just me, or does it look too much like the CPG?? :DDD
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Today, i open my blog, ghayyir nafsak, the beauty of change...
How odd...
I cant remember how much things has change..
Nevertheless, i still wish to continue on this journey
I meet people who abandoned this road
A road of self improving
Finding the truth
Doing what should be the right thing...
A road that requires a lot of self reflection...
Facing a lot of confusions
Making a lot of sacrifices
You wonder
What kind of person you really are?
The kind of person Allah had actually let you be...
And the kind of person you actually let yourself be...
I don't want to live life by default
Even if it means i need to search hard
I guess it's worth it...
All this pain i experience
The remedies that follows
The even higher degree of pain that i will experience
And the remedies, a much better remedy
My life had never been boring
Thou the colors i see
Might not all be pretty rainbows
But at least
Its not black and white
And its not grey either...
With every rains
Comes the rainbow

How odd...
I cant remember how much things has change..
Nevertheless, i still wish to continue on this journey
I meet people who abandoned this road
A road of self improving
Finding the truth
Doing what should be the right thing...
A road that requires a lot of self reflection...
Facing a lot of confusions
Making a lot of sacrifices
You wonder
What kind of person you really are?
The kind of person Allah had actually let you be...
And the kind of person you actually let yourself be...
I don't want to live life by default
Even if it means i need to search hard
I guess it's worth it...
All this pain i experience
The remedies that follows
The even higher degree of pain that i will experience
And the remedies, a much better remedy
My life had never been boring
Thou the colors i see
Might not all be pretty rainbows
But at least
Its not black and white
And its not grey either...
With every rains
Comes the rainbow

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