Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Elder Sister

go on
just try to hurt me
with words as sharp as the point of your black pen
or with ignorance...and arrogance

"little ones...how could you...?!"
oh elder sister,but they are your siblings...

so don't cry...
don't cry i say!
don't even carve a name on a stone
not even an alphabet on the white pearly sands

you are!yes you are!
you are the elder sister
strong and wise
protective and responsible

you are!you are the elder sister!
yes you make mistake
but recover dear sister!
recover fast!
your siblings needs you!
to be strong and wise

yes you can get weak sometimes...
but stand up!
stand up fast oh elder sister!
your siblings needs you!
be bold!be brave!
your siblings needs you!
to protect them 
and to take the role of a leader

patience oh elder sister...
don't use harsh words on the little ones
patience, oh patience dear sister
don't even let them know how much they hurt you
patience oh patience dear sister
you know better than to lose you temper
patience, oh patience dear sister
your words should contain advices rather than criticism

yes you are human
yes you can be hurt too
but grow up, grow up oh elder sister
don't act foolish and childish
your siblings are watching
they are always observing
your siblings are learning
aren't you their role model?

you are, you are the elder sister
kind and considerate
willing to make sacrifices...
you are, you are the elder sister
keep smiling and keep supporting the little ones
they need you to be happy
they need you to be supportive

you are the elder sister
be loving and caring to your siblings
spread love dear elder sister
with truth and sincerity
with no reason nor circumstances
spread love dear elder sister
like a garden of roses in the early spring

aren't you glad you're the elder sister?
so what if your siblings won't respect you
being the elder sister...
its not about winning
its not about having a fair life
its not about getting what we deserve

but its about making the right choices

the right choice might be painful sometimes
but life on earth is no place for you to rest
the pain and sufferings is your richness in the afterlife
the life you can never compare to this short time we have on earth

make the right choice oh elder sister

you are, you are the elder sister
wish for your death everyday as the elder sister
no matter who may your siblings be
be the elder sister

you are the elder sister

Zatel Iman Rozali

Friday, November 26, 2010

Butterfly Fly Away

I dare to say it
I had evolve
To become the beautiful butterfly I always wanted to be
I know I must keep on evolving
Finding more and more knowledge and skills
Trying to become the best at everything

Butterfly fly away...

But today
I dare to say
This is the person I wanted to be

Strong and still strong no matter what happen
To be able to stand up after a fall
To be able to still cry even when others laugh happily
And able to smile when others cry miserably
To think good of others no matter how painful it could be
To keep believing in God and keep searching for His light

I have someone to thank for it
Whether you know or not
Whether you will or not
I am still thankful
You make me strong enough
To take my first step
And weak enough
To seek for Allah’s protection
My prayers be with you
And to all my friends
Thank you
Thank you all for always supporting me

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Always Be There

Ya Allah, pemilik hati yg sedang gundah ini, tenangkanlah diriku Ya Allah... Yakinkanlah aku bahwa Kau sentiasa kan menjagaku, dan Kau sentiasa mmberi yg terbaik utukku... Permudahkanlah petunjuk Mu,dan ubatlah segala ketakutan dan hapuskanlah bisikan syaitan... Sesungguhnya cintaMu itu jua lah cinta yg perlu diri yg hina ini raihkan bagi mencapai kebahagiaan hidup didunia dan di akhirat...Tuhan yg tahu segala isi hatiku,Kau juga tahu bagaimana harus hati ini diiubati,maka hadirkanlah penawar duka Mu Ya Allah

Always Be There Lyrics
By: Maher Zain

Alllahu Akbar…
If you ask me about love
And what i know about it
My answer would be
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love, to our souls
The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe
The one that made us whole and free
The guardian of HIS true believers

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all’ll be over
And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…
Allahu Akbar…

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Muslimat Biasa

Wanita yang menutup aurat, pergi majlis ilmu, menyertai usrah, dan melakukan seperti yg disyariatkan oleh islam sering kali dilihat sebagai golongan yang "baik-baik" atau digelar "tudung labuh club" atau juga dianggap "ekstrim". Mengapa ini terjadi? Sedangkan bukankah semua itu apa yang ditetapkan oleh islam? Kini mereka yg tak tutup aurat, tudung pun borderline, takde la nak join2 usrah ne, couple2 sikit, dianggap golongan biasa2 je...Apa yg biasa tentang itu?? Tanggapan terhadap term "biasa" akan sentiasa berubah jika kita terus mengikuti trend dunia manusia, tapi jika kita kembali pada undang2 dunia islam, semua itu boleh jadi telah terpesong jauh sekali! Lupakah kita pada cara hidup kita yang sebenar? Ya kita bukanlah makhluk luar biasa, tapi kita bukanlah manusia biasa,yang definisinya menurut tanggapan manusia, tapi kita muslim muslimat biasa,menggunakan definisi Islam, Al-Quran dan Sunnah...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang cintanya pada Allah melebihi cintanya pada manusia
Mengambil Allah sebagai pelindung setia
Dan akhirnya syahid sebagai seorang syuhada...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang menjalani hidup ini kerana mencari redhaNya
Melakukan terbaik dimana saja
Kerana yakin Allah sentiasa menjaga...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang memilih Islam sebagai cara hidupnya
Menutup aurat dan menjaga tingkah lakunya
Menjadi secantik-cantik hiasan dunia...

Aku ingin jadi muslimat biasa
Yang sentiasa patuh pada zaujnya
Menjadi teman dan penasihat pertama
Mendidik zuriatnya utk terus bertaqwa...

Bukanlah menjadi yang luar biasa
Kerna Allah jua lah yang memberi kesemua nikmat yang ada
Namun bukan juga sekadar manusia biasa
Tetapi menjadi muslimat,muslimat yang biasa...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Love My Dad

To my Dad:
Rozali Bin Adam

Abah,I'm sorry for everything.... 
I'm thankful for everything....
No matter what happen I know I can turn to you
You are always an inspiration to me :)


Your Daughter

Friday, November 5, 2010

Break Away from the Prison of Sins

Ask ourselves
How many times had we made the same mistakes?
Failing to make the right choice, even when we know the choices are there?
How many times have we imprisoned ourselves?
With lies, excuses and all those rubbish!!
Do we think that Allah will go easy on us?
Do we think that Allah will spare us when all we do is just becoming weaker and weaker...

Wake up!
We will not be saved because we are weak!
Do we think we can buy heaven with our “good deeds”?
How can we when our life is too short?
Have we gone stupid?
Or have the devil succeed in lying to us?

Wake up!
We can make a difference
We can change the world!
Or at least,
We can change ourselves
We can choose to right path
And we can choose not to astray

We are stronger than we thought
Stop thinking that we are weak
We can be strong if we want to
Its up to us!
To become smarter
To become better
How long do we expect to be improsined
How long do we want to live in this darkness?
Haunted by the sins we made and cause with our own hands

Be free
Strengthen ourselves
And strengthen others around us
We can do it
Because we will do it for Allah

“dan barangsiapa yang berserah diri keapda Allah, sedang dia orang yang berbuat kebaikan, maka sesungguhnya dai telah berpegang pada buhul tali yang kukuh. Hanya kepada Allah kesudahan segala urusan” (31:22)
